XXI Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia

Image Credits: Foto di Raphael Rychetsky su Unsplash

XXI Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia (Roma, 19-21 Giugno 2018)

Oral presentation on “Coping with risk of drought through knowledge and seasonal forecasts

The Mediterranean Basin is characterized by a strong vulnerability due to centuries of natural resource exploitation and it is one of the hot-spots of the planet affected by temperature rising and rainfall distribution modifications. Climate changes and land mismanagement are exacerbating pressure on natural resources, reducing their resilience. Understanding drought and its variability can allow a shift from an approach of crisis management to a more proactive one, where responses are planned in advance in respect to the droughts occurrence and therefore are more effective and coordinated during the event. Following this idea, the Institute of Biometeorology developed an empirical seasonal forecast system as a component of a climate service to increase knowledge-based information for supporting decision-making activity for a wide variety of stakeholders. A series of ongoing operational and research applications and projects (MACSUR, SERV_FORFIRE and Med-GOLD) for drought and forecasts will be shown both for Italy and the Mediterranean Basin.

Pasqui M.1, Di Giuseppe E.1, Magno R.1,2, Rapisardi E.1

1IBIMET – CNR (Institute of Biometeorology of the National Research Council).
2LaMMA – Environmental modelling and monitoring laboratory for sustainable development.

Paper (PDF)