1° Congresso Nazionale AISAM | 2018
1° Congresso Nazionale AISAM (Bologna, 10-13 Settembre 2018) Oral presentation on “Customizable Drought Climate Service for supporting different end users’ needs” Current IPCC’s climate change projections suggest an increase in frequency and extent of climate extremes. In Mediterranean Basin, and therefore in Italy, one of the primary challenges is related to minimizing drought impacts while […]
Convegno Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento
Convegno annuale Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento (Firenze, 4-6 Luglio 2018) Oral presentation on “Use of Sentinel-2 images for monitoring an industrial tomato crop field in central Italy” Current climate change projections made by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) suggest an increase in frequency and extent of climate extremes. In Mediterranean Basin, and therefore in […]
XXI Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia
XXI Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia (Roma, 19-21 Giugno 2018) Oral presentation on “Coping with risk of drought through knowledge and seasonal forecasts” The Mediterranean Basin is characterized by a strong vulnerability due to centuries of natural resource exploitation and it is one of the hot-spots of the planet affected by temperature rising and rainfall distribution modifications. Climate […]
17th EMS European Conference on Applied Climatology
17th EMS Annual Meeting / European Conference on Applied Climatology (Dublin, 4-8 September 2017) Oral presentation on “An evaluation of dry spells in central Italy (Tuscany)” Climate change affects precipitation regime and this can compromise water availability, especially in areas, like central Italy and Tuscany, characterized by a climate ranging from dry sub-humid to semi-arid and […]
16th EMS / 11th European Conference on Applied Climatology
16th EMS Annual Meeting / 11th European Conference on Applied Climatology (Trieste, 12-16 September 2016) Oral presentation on “Analysis of changes in drought occurrence over the Mediterranean Basin using multiple time scales SPI index” Drought is a recurrent feature of climate and can affect areas with different climate regimes; its impacts depend on the duration, intensity […]
Workshop: Telerilevamento per il monitoraggio e la gestione del territorio
Workshop “Il telerilevamento per il monitoraggio e la gestione del territorio” (Campobasso, 13-14 June 2013) Oral presentation on “Uso di un modello operativo per la stima dell’evapotraspirazione a scala regionale” L’evapotraspirazione reale (ETA) è un parametro fondamentale per la gestione delle risorse idriche presenti sul territorio. La necessità di lavorare su ampia scala richiede la […]
Workshop on Global Change Research
Workshop on Global Change Research – “Climate Change and Desertification: Monitoring, Modelling and Forecasting” (Wengen, 10-13 September 2007) Poster on “Analysis of long dry spell series for drought detection and monitoring in Central Italy” Drought is a recurrent feature of climate and its impacts on human activities depend on the interaction between this natural event […]