Workshop: Telerilevamento per il monitoraggio e la gestione del territorio

Photo by Artur D. on Unsplash

Workshop “Il telerilevamento per il monitoraggio e la gestione del territorio” (Campobasso, 13-14 June 2013) Oral presentation on “Uso di un modello operativo per la stima dell’evapotraspirazione a scala regionale” L’evapotraspirazione reale (ETA) è un parametro fondamentale per la gestione delle risorse idriche presenti sul territorio. La necessità di lavorare su ampia scala richiede la […]

WCRP Global Drought Information System Workshop 2018

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

WCRP Global Drought Information System Workshop (Frascati, 11-13 April 2012) Poster on “Use of the multiple time scales SPI index for monitoring and forecasting drought events over the Mediterranean Basin” Drought is a recurrent feature of climate and can affects areas with different climate regimes; its impacts depend on the duration, intensity and extent of […]

FOSS4G 2010 Conference

FOSS4G 2010 – Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial CONFERENCE (Barcelona, 6-9 September 2010) Poster on “An open source general-purpose framework for implementing WebGIS applications”. In the last years the increasing needs of geographical information for environmental analysis and monitoring purposes have encouraged the development of web-oriented GIS architectures. In this paper, we present the […]

Workshop on Global Change Research

Workshop on Global Change Research – “Climate Change and Desertification: Monitoring, Modelling and Forecasting” (Wengen, 10-13 September 2007) Poster on “Analysis of long dry spell series for drought detection and monitoring in Central Italy” Drought is a recurrent feature of climate and its impacts on human activities depend on the interaction between this natural event […]