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Tiziana De Filippis PhD
Permanent researcher at CNR-IBE, Geomatics & ICT for sustainable development in agriculture. Coordination of research projects on Spatial Data Infrastructure and WebGIS applications using Open Source solutions and OGC standards

Arianna Di Paola PhD
Permanent researcher at CNR-IBE, graduated in Environmental Sciences, expert in agro-meteorological modeling. Expertise in statistical models, machine learning, design and implementation of data-driven computational algorithms, non-parametric statistical analysis

Sara Quaresima
Technician at CNR-IBE. Support activities for the management of operating systems of weather-climate modeling, analysis of data from environmental monitoring networks and climate data analyst

Elena Rapisardi PhD
Web Communication and WordPress Consultant. Expertise in natural hazards, risk and emergency communication

Marco Simonetti
Research Technician of CNR-IBE. Expert in Computer Science, Linux system administration, Mathematical Modeling, Discrete Event Systems (DES) and Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Piero Toscano
Researcher at CNR-IBE. Expertise in agroecological modelling, Eddy Covariance, remote sensing
Luca Angeli
Researcher at LaMMA Consortium of Tuscany Region. Expertise in environmental analys, GIS and Remote Sensing
Giulio Betti
Technical engineer at CNR-IBE. Expertise in meteorology and climatology
Giorgio Bartolini
Researcher at LaMMA Consortium of Tuscany Region. Expertise in meteorology and climatology